GISD Customer Care Team presents recognitions at STEAM Academy at Mambrino

Granbury ISD’s Customer Care Team presented recognition awards at the STEAM Academy at Mambrino on Tuesday, February 13, 2024.

Michael Blackwell was awarded our Customer Care award. “Michael joined our team during the second six weeks this school year as a Special Education Paraprofessional,” said STEAM Academy at Mambrino Principal Melissa Shipp said. “He was new to education and working in a school, having previously worked in other industries. He jumped right in, spent time getting to know our students, and has done anything we have asking him to do with a smile. He has helped us with some of our hardest students and has loved them well, even when the situation is not always easy. We are so thankful that Michael loves Mambrino not only as a parent, but an employee.”

Josh Lane was awarded our Super Fan award. “At the start of the school year, we had several parent complaints about the dropoff line and the safety of those that have to turn in and out of our school onto Mambrino Highway,” Shipp said. “We made a call to the sheriff’s department to see if we could get an officer there to help. We had a couple of people that came and helped the first few weeks. Mr. Lane has continued to come and usually is there daily, helping our students get to school safely. We are so grateful for his help and giant heart for Mambrino and our students.”

Granbury ISD thanks Cody Garrison State Farm and Braces on the Brazos Orthodontics for their partnership and gift cards presented to the recognition award recipients.