GISD Students Participate in the Fort Worth Science and Engineering Fair

Students from Granbury High School and Acton Middle School recently competed in the Fort Worth Science and Engineering Fair, hosted by the University of Texas at Arlington on February 19-20.


There were over 350 projects in both the Junior and Senior divisions and all Granbury ISD Students placed in the top 5.


In the Junior Division (Middle School):

Paola Lumbreras placed 1st in the Medicine and Health Category. She was also chosen as the Best of Fair for the entire Junior Division.


In the Senior Division (High School):

Laney Matthews placed 4th in the Earth and Space Science Category

Shanice Gibson placed 4th in the Behavioral Sciences Category

Santiago Lumbreras placed 2nd  in the Physics and Astronomy Category


Laney, Santiago and Paola will go on to compete at the Texas Science and Engineering Fair at the end of March. Paola has also been invited to present her research at the Thermo Fischer Junior Innovators Challenge during the summer.