Customer Care Award presented to GISD Maintenance

Granbury ISD’s Customer Care Team presented a recognition award to the Maintenance Department on Friday, March 7, 2025 on Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day.

Chad Pasadava presented the Customer Care Award, which is a recognition award given to a deserving employee of Granbury ISD that goes above and beyond. At the presentation Director of Facilities & Maintenance Hailey Veron praised Chad for his work ethic, service and dedication to the students and staff of GISD.

“Chad embodies the spirit of aloha with his constant smile, positivity, and genuine willingness to help others,” Veron said. “His uplifting attitude and collaborative spirit inspire everyone around him, creating a supportive environment where all feel valued. He consistently addresses and resolves issues with care, taking care of work order requests across the district and on campuses.”

Granbury ISD thanks EECU for the gift presented to Customer Care winner.