Instructional Materials/Textbook Procedures (Staff Login) » Minutes


Instructional Materials (Textbook Procedures)
January 22, 2015
9:00  to 11:00
General Granbury Library

Copies  of up to date inventories were given to each  campus that was  present. This report is what
Destiny  shows should be at  each  campus.  We are  trying  to get  a system put  in place to
correct inventories and  make things much  easier.

Book Room organization and  Inventories are  due  to be completed by June 5th,
2015  (please see "Elementary  or Secondary/High  School Book Room
Procedures").  Each campus can come up with  their own  procedures for
scanning Teachers Editions  as long as the  campus knows  what's missing  and  who is responsible
for  replacing the  materials.

Campuses can  determine whether or  not they want to check  out  to individual students or to
teachers (please see "Checkouts" for procedures).  All textbooks that are  being  used  MUST show
checked out  in Destiny.   Campuses will hold someone responsible for any  missing  materials.

We will email  out  a price  list to all textbook coordinators so they are  aware of what to
collect on specific titles.  We are  going to work on coming up with  a system that makes all fines
 go into  a campus account and  can  be used  to replace missing  textbooks.

After textbook coordinators complete their inventory and  turn  it in, we will be going  to each  
campus to do a manual count to verify that the  inventory is correct.

Consumables will not  be barcoded but any  UNUSED consumables will be counted at the end  of the
year  with  inventory.  When  new consumables go out at the  beginning of each  school year  we  
need the  campuses to email  Sharon & Priscilla with  a count of what you  received so we know  
everybody got  what they were assigned. We will also  keep  track  of any  extra  consumables being
sent out during the school year  but will only  keep  5 to 10 on  hand.

Textbook Coordinators decided to keep  ALL materials at their campus when students transfer out  or
withdraw (please see "Handling Materials for Transferring Students").   Used consumables need to be
saved and  have  used pages removed for any  newly  enrolled students during that school year.

Any books  that are  needed throughout the year  for  new students will need to be requested
through Sharon & Priscilla (please see "Textbook Requests" for procedures).  If we do "borrow" from
 another campuses inventory, we will be keeping track  of what is being  sent out  and  where it is
going.   This is going  to allow us to transfer materials back to original  campuses at the end  of
the  year to keep  all inventories straight.  The exact  barcode does not  need to be transferred
back to the  lending campus.  We only ask that the correct title  and  amount be
transferred back in.
If a student or teacher  happens  to lose a loaned  book, that  campus  will collect the fine for
replacement and replace  the book  at their  campus.  They will still need to send the lending
campus the correct amount of books at the  end of the year.

Campuses will work  on a way to collect student missing textbook and Teachers Edition  fines before
the  end of each school year.  Some suggestions  for students were taking away field  day or having
the student work  off the fine.

Out of Adoption materials need to be at the  Book Barn by June 5'h.  Out of Adoption materials will
begin to be accepted  in May (please see "Out of Adoption" for procedures).

Important Dates-

Out of Adoption Due- June 5th, 2015

Book Rooms Organized  & Inventoried- June 12th, 2015

Kathy Anderson
Deanna Bledsoe
Tammy Burns
Margaret Flores
Chelsey Gibson
Jimmy Heffernan
Melinda Parker
Kelly Phillips
Priscilla Sanchez
Sharon Williams
Edwin Young