Spelling Bee » Campus Spelling Bee Guidelines

Campus Spelling Bee Guidelines

Campus Spelling Bee Guidelines
All of the guidelines listed below are in accordance with Scripps Rules for Local Spelling
Any student in grades K-8 may participate in the Area, Regional, State, and National Bee.
The only rule is that an eighth grader cannot have reached his/her 15th birthday on or before
August 31st
Grade Level Bees
Each grade level (K-8) will conduct its own bee to determine who will represent the grade
level in the campus bee. Students may volunteer to participate in this Grade Level Bee, but it
should not be required. The Grade Level Bee will be conducted orally in rounds using the
study list provided by Scripps through the District Spelling Coordinator.
*Students should NOT be allowed to use paper nor pencil. The top five spellers for
each grade level will advance to the Campus Bee.

*Note that for middle school bees only, a written test option is available.
However, students will not be allowed to take a written test at the district/area
nor regional levels of competition.
*Also, for middle school bees only, up to 15 spellers per grade level may advance to the Campus Bee.
Campus Bees
Five representatives from each grade level should be allowed to participate in the campus
bee. In the event of a tie, more representatives may participate in the campus bee. Grade
Level Bees may also name one alternate in case a top-5 winner is unable to participate in
the campus bee.

The campus bee should follow the Local Spelling Bee Rules and be conducted in
rounds. Students should NOT be allowed to use paper nor pencil.
Area Bee
Each campus will send one representative to the Area Bee for competition.
Applicable Dates for 2023-2024:
  • December 4th-15th, 2023 = window for campus bees
  • January 19th, 2024 = GISD-Hosted Area 18 Spelling Bee