Spelling Bee » 2016


Area Spelling Bee - February 4, 2016

Spencer Burnfield, a fifth grader at Acton Elementary School, won the Area Spelling Bee held February 4, 2016. 

The area contest pitted campus-level winners from seven Granbury campuses.  Burnfield and Robby Castandea, a third grader at Brawner Intermediate School, battled for four rounds before he emerged the victor on the road ”eleemosynary.” 

Other competitors were:  Emily Bremer, a fourth grader at Baccus Elementary School; Alli Henry, an eighth grader at Acton Middle School; Zeke Shaum, a fifth grader at Mambrino School; Jordyn Stevens, a sixth grader at Granbury Middle School; Darcy Welch, a fourth grader at Oak Woods School. 

As the Hood County area champion, Burnfield will advance to the Star-Telegram Regional Spelling Bee scheduled for March 2 at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth.  That contest will feature more than thirty contestants who won at the area level.  The regional winner will have an opportunity to compete in the national competition to be held in Washington, D.C. in May.

The campus and district spelling bees were open to all students under the age of sixteen who had not passed beyond the eighth grade. 

Pictured above are (left to right) Emily Bremer, Darcy Welch, Alli Henry, Robby Castaneda, Jordyn Stevens, and Zeke Shaum.