Attendance » Tardy Policy

Tardy Policy

All students must be in the classroom and prepared to work when the tardy bell rings. In the event that the student is tardy, the student will follow his or her campus procedures for documentation of this event and disciplinary consequences may be administered.


Tardiness of students, either getting to school or arriving to their classes, has a detrimental impact on the instructional time provided by teachers and can lead to increased absenteeism. It is imperative that parents ensure their children arrive promptly to school and class at the designated start time of the school day.


Students who consistently display tardiness and accrue more than 10 tardies will be required to conference with campus Administrators and establish an Attendance Improvement Plan. This plan will involve developing interventions aimed at addressing the student's ongoing issue with punctuality.


Per the Texas compulsory attendance law verbiage, “parts of days” means that leaving school early or arriving after school begins (tardy), even if the child attended some of the day, may count against the student and initiate truancy proceedings. Acceptable reasons for an excused tardy are the same as an excused absence.