Foreign Exchange Students » Foreign Exchange Students

Foreign Exchange Students

Each year, Granbury ISD approves 6 foreign exchange students.


The Foreign Exchange Student program is exclusive to Granbury High School, and GISD will only accommodate full-year placements. 


Granbury ISD does not provide an application for foreign exchange students - applications are typically handled through a designated exchange agency.


Exchange student placement agencies may begin submitting applications to [email protected] beginning Monday, March 17, 2025. Applications will not be accepted nor held until that date.


  • Placements will be made on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Waiting lists will not be maintained to hold a company's or student's request for enrollment.
  • Complete vaccination records must be provided when the application is submitted as per Texas state requirements. 
  • Only current and completed documentation will be accepted - incomplete application packets will not be considered for placement.


Please contact Courtney Henry in the Assistant Superintendent’s Office with any questions: [email protected]