Planning Ahead - High School Information » Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements

Foundation High School Program (FHSP)

The 26-Credit Foundation is Required for All Endorsements 


Must consist of English I, 2, 3 (ESOL 1 and 2 may be substituted appropriately), and an additional/advanced English course. 


Must include Algebra 1, Geometry, and an additional/advanced math course beyond Algebra 1 


Must include one Biology credit, one credit selected from IPC, Chemistry, or Physics; and one additional/advanced science course 

SOCIAL STUDIES……………………………………..……..3

Must include US History, one-half credit Government, one-half credit Economics, and World History or World Geography 

OTHER LANGUAGES……………………………..………...2

Must consist of 2 levels in the same language 

FINE ARTS………………………………………….……...…1

Choir, Band, Dance, Art, Theatre Arts, Principles & Elements of Floral Design 

PHYSICAL EDUCATION………………………….………...1

May include Athletics or PE (up to 4 credits), Drill Team 1, JROTC 1, Cheerleading, the fall semesters of Marching Band 


FHSP SUBTOTAL CREDITS…………………………..….22 





Electives must be chosen from one of the endorsement areas of STEM, Business and Industry, Arts and Humanities, Public Services, or Multidisciplinary Studies 


College Board Advanced Placement and Dual Credit courses may be substituted in appropriate areas for both Foundation and Endorsement credits. 


In addition to the credit requirements as listed above, students must meet passing standards on the following

End-of-Course Exams:

  • English I;
  • English II;
  • Algebra I;
  • Biology;
  • United States History


All students are required to declare an endorsement in writing prior to entering the 9th grade. Students will be permitted to change their endorsement with counselor guidance.

There are five endorsement options, which allow students flexibility based on individual interests and career goals. Each endorsement category is designed to prepare students to successfully enter postsecondary education or the workforce upon graduation from high school.

The endorsement and the career areas to which they correspond are as listed below:

- STEM – Science, including Computer Science; Technology; Engineering and Mathematics;

- PUBLIC SERVICES – Education and Training; Government and Public Administration; Health Science; Human Services; and Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security;

- BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY – Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Architecture and Construction; Business Management and Administration; Finance; Hospitality and Tourism; Information Technology; Manufacturing; Marketing; Transportation; and Journalism, including broadcast journalism, newspaper, and public speaking;

- ARTS AND HUMANITIES – Fine Arts; Economics with Emphasis on Free Enterprise; English Language Arts; and Languages Other than English;

- MULTIDISCIPLINARY STUDIES – Allows students to take courses in several endorsement areas as listed



Students have the opportunity to earn additional recognitions in the following areas. 


A student may earn a distinguished level of achievement by successfully completing all curriculum requirements for the Foundation High School Program, plus

- A fourth credit in mathematics, which must include Algebra II;

- A fourth credit in science;

- The requirements of at least one endorsement

- A student must graduate with a Distinguished Level of Achievement to be eligible for automatic admission to a Texas public college or university. 


A student may earn a performance acknowledgement in one or more of the following categories:

- AP test score of 3 or higher or Outstanding performance on the PSAT(Commended or higher) or ASPIRE (college ready on at least 2 of 4 subject tests) or the SAT (1250) or the ACT (28);

-12 hours of college credit College Grade of 3.0 or above or Associate’s Degree

- Bilingualism and biliteracy; and

- Earning a nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification or license


Other Graduation Requirements

- Speech Requirements


-CPR Instruction


- Required Instruction Regarding Proper Interaction with a Peace Officer


- FAFSA/TAFSA or opt-out form