PTO/Booster Club
Extracurricular programs are extensions of our classrooms, and as such, PTO / Booster Clubs play an important role in helping all GISD students graduate with every option open. These supportive organizations make GISD a great place for students to learn, and we are grateful to have you as partners. On behalf of our Board of Trustees, students, and staff, we thank you for all that you do.
- Directory section lists contact information for each organization. This section also lists campus Student Activity Groups and contact information for sponsoring District employees.
Officers section announces deadlines and other reminders for PTO/Booster Club leadership.
- Calendar section shows approved fundraising activity. As the community seeks to generously supports students, please know all fundraising on behalf of GISD schools, student groups, fine arts, and athletic teams requires district-level approval prior to activity. Legitimacy can be verified by contacting GISD Administration. or the District Executive Board contacts listed at the bottom of this page.
- Vounteer section provides information about the volunteer program, including background checks, handbook, and orientation.