Parent-Student Handbook » Drug Testing for Extracurricular Activities

Drug Testing for Extracurricular Activities

Drug Testing Policy

The District requires drug testing of any student in grades 7–12 who chooses to participate in school-sponsored extracurricular activities.

Covered Activities

School-sponsored extracurricular activities for which testing is required include all school-sponsored campus and student organizations and extracurricular activities.


A student participating in these activities shall be randomly tested throughout the school year.


The purposes of the drug-testing program are to help enforce a drug-free educational environment; deter student use of illegal drugs; and educate students regarding the harm caused by the use of illegal drugs.

Distribution of Policy

The District's drug-testing policy shall be available on the District website.


Before a student is eligible to participate in extracurricular activities, the student shall be required annually to sign a consent form agreeing to be subject to the rules and procedures of the drug-testing program. If the student is under the age of 18, the student's parent or guardian shall also sign a consent form. If appropriate consent is not given, the student shall not be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities.

Use of Results

Drug test results shall be used only to determine eligibility for participation in extracurricular activities. Positive drug test results shall not be used to impose disciplinary sanctions or academic penalties.

Nevertheless, nothing in this policy shall limit or affect the application of state law, local policy, or the Student Code of Conduct. A student who commits a disciplinary offense shall be subject to consequences in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.


Drug-testing results shall be confidential and shall be disclosed only to the student, the student's parents, and designated District officials who need the information in order to administer the drug-testing program. Drug test results shall not be maintained with a student's academic record. Results shall not be otherwise disclosed except as required by law.

Testing Laboratory

The Board shall contract with a certified drug-testing laboratory to conduct testing of students' urine samples.

Testing laboratories shall not release statistics regarding the rate of positive drug tests to any person or organization without consent of the District.

Substances for Which Tests Are Conducted

The District shall make available to students and parents a list of the exact substances for which tests will be conducted.

Collection Procedures

Personnel from the drug-testing laboratory shall collect urine samples under conditions that are no more intrusive than the conditions experienced in a public restroom. When selected for testing, a student shall be escorted to the school's testing site by a District employee and shall remain under employee supervision until the student provides a sample. A student shall produce a sample within a closed restroom stall. A District employee of the same gender as the student shall be present when any samples are collected, in accordance with administrative procedures.

Random Testing

Random tests shall be conducted on as many as eight dates throughout the school year.

No less than five percent and no more than 15 percent of the students participating in the program shall be randomly selected for each random test date. The drug-testing laboratory shall use a random selection method to identify students chosen for random testing. Students shall not receive prior notice of the testing date or time.

Refusal to Test or Tampering

A student who refuses to be tested when selected or who is determined to have tampered with a sample shall be deemed to have a positive test result and shall be subject to the appropriate consequences depending on previous positive test results, if any.

If a student is absent on the day of the random test, a sample shall be collected on the next random testing date.

Confirmation of Positive Results

An initial positive test shall be confirmed by a second test of the same specimen before being reported as positive.

Upon receiving results of a positive drug test, the District shall schedule a meeting with the student, the student's parent if the student is under the age of 18, a campus administrator, the District's school resource officer, and the coach or sponsor of the extracurricular activity, as applicable, to review the test results and discuss consequences.

The student or parent shall have three school days following the meeting to provide a medical explanation for a positive result.


If the student wishes to return to participation in extracurricular activities after any applicable consequences, the student must be retested at the end of the period of suspension and have a negative test result; following that, the student shall be retested on the next eight random test dates so long as the student wishes to participate in extracurricular activities.


Consequences of positive test results shall be cumulative through the student's enrollment in middle school and shall begin anew for high school.

Consequences and suspensions for a first or second offense shall be applied in accordance with administrative regulations and during the time of year that a student typically participates in practices, performances, and competitions in his or her extracurricular activity (not during the off season).

First Offense

Upon a first offense of receiving a confirmed positive drug test, a student shall be suspended from any extracurricular activity for seven calendar days following the date the student and parent are notified of the test results.

During the period of suspension, the student may participate in practices but not in any competitive activities or performances.

Second Offense

Upon a second offense of receiving a confirmed positive drug test, a student shall be suspended from any extracurricular activity for 90 calendar days, in accordance with administrative regulations, following the date the student and parent are notified of the test results.

During the period of suspension, the student may participate in practices but not in any competitive activities or performances.

Third Offense

Upon a third offense of receiving a confirmed positive drug test, a student shall be suspended from participation in any extracurricular activity for 365 calendar days following the date the student and parent are notified of the test results.

During the period of suspension, the student shall not be permitted to participate in practices and may have his or her class schedule adjusted as necessary.


A student or parent may appeal a decision made under this policy in accordance with FNG(LOCAL). The student shall be ineligible for participation in extracurricular activities while the appeal is pending.