Libraries » Parent Communication

Parent Communication

Partnering with Parents

The district encourages open and ongoing communication between librarians and parents.  Please see the directory to find campus librarian contact information.


Parent Opt-In Program

When a student is registered for school, the district offers parents the ability to opt-in on receiving notification emails of their student's checkouts. Parents who wish to change their opt-in preferences after the student registration process may do so by contacting Leah Dawson at [email protected].

See the information below as an example of the notification email:

Dear ____________,

Your student has checked out a book from the __________ Library, titled _______________.  In order to maintain transparency, and because you chose the opt-in option on the AGR card, you are receiving this notification. Using the information below, please navigate to the correct library and search using the Book Title to get more information on this book.

Library Name:Book Title:Book Barcode: 


Parent Specified or Restricted Access

The district provides parents with the ability to restrict their student's access by title, subject or author.  Parents should contact the campus librarian to specify or restrict their student's library book access.

Always feel free to reach out to your campus librarian for more information about the library and its programs!